Folding emergency parachute
Folding emergency parachute
We ensure the professional folding of reserve parachutes in strict compliance with the manufacturers' and FFVL's guidelines.
It is strongly recommended to have your parachute folded every 12 months to optimize the opening time and thus increase your chances of getting out of a perilous situation!
We carry out these reserve parachute folding operations within 2 to 3 days.
Drop us off, or send your parachute to our shop in Chamonix. After airing it to eliminate humidity and excess static electricity, which could, if opened, cause the panels to stick slightly together and thus increase the opening time.
We hang, air and dry your reserve parachute for 24 hours in our premises.
Folding is carried out the next day, in accordance with the manufacturer's folding manual.
We check the attachments of your reserve parachute to your harness: dimensions and tightness of the links, placement of O-rings to prevent the straps from moving.
We visually inspect your harness and place your parachute back inside.
A folding certificate is established, including the serial number and our signature.
Manufacturers have set the lifespan of a reserve parachute at 10 years. After this time, stability after opening tends to decrease, which can lead to swinging during descent and a more abrupt landing. In addition, after 10 years, the sink rate can increase, exceeding the 5.5 m/s recommended during EN certification.
We are resellers of the latest generation parachutes (square-round, triangles).
Our new parachutes:
Our second-hand parachutes:
Their weight, opening time, volume, stability and drop rate ratio is exceptional. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information: